Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pregnant Woman Must Have for Summer

Now that I am 29 weeks pregnant the summer heat is doing a number on this Rookie Mom. It is amazing how quickly you forget about the TX heat, swollen ankles and late night bathroom runs during your first pregnancy just long enough to conceive again.

Granted it was only a couple of years ago that I was carrying Cookie during a TX summer months, I am having a hard time remembering it being this hot.

With both my pregnancies I have not experienced a lot of cravings that is until a month ago when the heat started to rise. I have renewed my love for...


Good Old Fashion homemade Popsicles. To off set my excess love for M&M's I am using sugar free lemonade and kool-aide. Cookie and I are both enjoying them.

Eleven more weeks to go, can I make it? My fingers are crossed but don't be surprised if you see a pregnant woman with her mouth wide open underneath a Icee machine. Hormones pluse the TX heat can make you do crazy things...

Cheers to keeping cool and your hormones in check.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I craved Icees, too, when I was pregnant with Kennedy.