Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Little G.T.L. Without the T

In case you might be hiding under a rock and have not been in touch with the main stream (useless but just can't resist) entertainment media, my title may just be throwing you off a little. So allow me to explain.

GTL is the marketing sensation from our friends at MTV and it all went down at the Jersey Shore. It may be so 2009 but it is here to stay for at least another fist pumping season. The G is for Gym, the T is for Tanning and the L is for a term that we have to do a little to often - Laundry.

Today I found myself experiencing a little G.T.L. without the situations. Recently I switched gyms to a one a little closer to home, well and to be honest it was a little (much) cheaper. Today was my first day to actually have my membership card swiped in 45 days, not that I am counting or anything.

Truth be told, my credit card statement actually reminded me that, maybe I might want to check it out, since I am paying for it after all. The scale also reminded me that I was hurting his back and I needed to stepped off. Since Mr. Honest Scale showed me what I didn't want to see, I did his back a favor and put him back under the bathroom sink upstairs far far far away from my kitchen pantry.

My new gym is a little different from my last to say the least. The dudes look a little something like this...

and the women a little more like this...

When the techno song came on during spin class, I was betting money that at any minute that the dude next to me was going to jump off of his bike with his gold chain, sleeveless t-shirt, slick back hair and start giving the class a little fist pumping action. Unfortunately, he didn't but there is always Thursday's class.

As for the T (tanning), well that membership expired in 1999 when I came to my senses and realized that I could spend my tanning money on the finer things in a college,like cheap wine and late night Whataburger. On a side note, now that my glory days in college are behind me I am pleased to announce that I have moved on to more sophisticated types of wine that do not come in packs of four or boxes, that my metabolism can no longer handle late night Whataburger runs and last but not least I now understand the benefits of using sunscreen.

After all, I do not want to look like this in the next ten years.

And for the L, well it is still sitting at the bottom of my washing machine just waiting to be washed.

Maybe I will just make it a G kind of day.

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