Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Sight To Be Hold

Cookie and I arrived at my Grandparents this afternoon so that we could prepare for the big first birthday bash. It is always refreshing to come home for a little R & R. The Ritz Hotel could never out do Grandma's house...where else can you get coffee in bed, home cooked meals and the never ending "mule" jokes by the one and only Grandfather Sir.

This evening when I feed Cookie, Grandma joined us so that we could catch up and as we sat there she snapped away with her digital camera. Yep, Granny is high tech! She has even ventured into the world wide web, which is of course the main reason for the Evolution of Rookie Mom 101. She can now watch Cookie grow each day, even if there are miles between us.

As we prepared Cookie for bed, Grandma began printing out all of her days pictures. Oh yeah, she even prints her own photos! It reminds me of the time when the Polaroid cameras came out and Grandma was one of the first to have one. Of course, we always got the honor of being able to wave the photo back and forth so that they would dry faster than laying them down.

One particular picture caught our attention. It just happened to be one of me feeding Cookie. I paused for a moment and thought, what a beautiful sight to behold that must have been. My grandmother was watching her great granddaughter being fed in the same highchair that her granddaughter sat in thirty short years ago.

My grandmother has spent the past thirty plus years documenting our lives. From our births to today, there is not a moment that isn't captured! I cherish these memories and hope to one day have a house full of photos of all of Cookie's accomplishments as well. In my heart of hearts, I just knew that there had to be a photo of me in the same chair and within in two minutes of searching the 78' album there it was...

The only difference in Cookie's photo is that she is not tormenting her Big Sister with a piece of toast!

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