Monday, October 27, 2008

Morning Rush

This Monday was very unusual in the fact that I didn't need a cold shower to wash away the Monday blues or stand in line at Starbucks to get my cup of morning jolt, I simply went to the polls and voted. It was the rush I needed to get my week going. It was exciting, invigorating and most of all it was FREE!

Give it a try and you will be Thankful that you don't have to stand in line on Tuesday November 4th.

Now that I seem to be coming down off my voting high, maybe I will go and get my Starbucks. What a great day it is turning out to be. The sun is shining, I voted and the possibility of breaking away from work to grab my favorite cup of coffee are looking up.

My "great" day could easily turn into the "perfect" Monday if the Hubby should decide to come home and vacuum the floors for me. A little wishful thinking never hurt anyone.

Cheers to happy voting and a great Monday.

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