Monday, December 8, 2008

The Reality of the Doghouse

Ladies, this year when you are making your Christmas lists for your hubby and checking it twice, be sure to pack a little extra ammunition with it and share this link with your request.

The good old folks at Jacques Penney (aka JC Penney) have hit the nail on the head and with this video as they examine the underground world of the doghouse. The infamous place where we send our hubby's to think about, thinking about what they just said or did.

So, hubby's this holiday season fear the doghouse because it is no longer a fictional place in your mind it is a reality...

So this year when you are cruising the mall to find that perfect gift for your wives, think of this video and most importantly think twice before buying that undersized lingerie, household appliances, and any dreaded (hint dropping) exercise equipment.

But don't worry Hubby' pressure!

Cheers to happy holiday shopping and staying out of the doghouse!

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